Geology & Soils Engineering Services
- Primarily for Hillside Areas
- Excavating test pits and/or borings for sampling of earth material for laboratory testing (Fieldwork)
- Test pits are excavated using hand labor or backhoe and borings with a drill rig
- Slope Stability Analysis included in report
- Geotechnical recommendations for site development, foundation design, and retaining wall design
Geotechnical Engineering Reports & Liquefaction Investigation
- Sites located within a Liquefaction Hazard Zone
- Drilling borings onsite to determine groundwater depth and to obtain soil samples for laboratory testing
- Hand-dug test pits may be excavated to check existing foundation
- Liquefaction potential included in report using historic and current groundwater levels
- Foundation design recommendations based on liquefaction analysis
Seismic Investigations within Fault Zones
- Earthquake Fault Rupture Zones mapped sites (Alquist-Priolo or AP Zones)
- Trenching using backhoe and active fault locations mapped
- Active faulting will prevent site development and structures for human occupancy must be setback 50 feet from fault trace
Compaction Reports
- Primary structural fill Compaction Reports
- Backfill of Retaining Wall
- Backfill & Abandonment of Pool and/or spa
- Buttress fill
- Landslide Repair