Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I initiate a new project with Byer Geotechnical Inc.?
Call our office at (818)549-9959 or email us at or Let us know about your project, where it is located, what type of project (residential or commercial, ect.) It would be helpful if you have an AutoCAD survey, site plan, section, or sketch of your project. Giuseppe Cugno, initiates a majority of all new project proposals, however, any of the geologist or engineers in the office can help you.
2. Why do I need a Geotechnical company?
Geology and soil reports, are typically required by the governing authorities (cities, counties, state, ect.) prior to issuing permits for site improvements. A geotechnical soils report is beneficial, for the optimal design of the project.
3. Do I need a Geology Report if I am buying a new house?
We would recommend a Real Estate Purchase Report when buying a new house or if you are already in escrow, particularly in hillside areas. Although this type of report does not need to be submitted to local building departments it is beneficial to have. Hillside properties have potential geologic hazards that are more apparent to the professional. When purchasing a new home it is valuable to know past and existing geologic conditions to anticipate future performance of the property. Building construction and past building permits are available for research at the Department of Building and Safety, along with past mudflows or slope failures. In California, due to frequent earthquakes, it would be valuable to know past earthquake damage to the property you are interested in purchasing. A visual walkthrough with the buyer and a Byer Geotechnical representative of the entire property inside and out is an essential part to detect visual signs of distress, landslides, settlement, ect., and minor improvements to site drainage may also be recommended. The process of compiling a Real Estate Purchase Report is as follows: research of past documentation of house, visual walkthrough, communicating findings to buyer after walkthrough, and a written Real Estate Purchase Report.
4. When do I need a Deputy Inspector to visit my project?
The Cities of Los Angeles and Beverly Hills require Deputy Inspectors to make sure that the work performed is in compliance with current building code. When you call to schedule an inspection during grading or construction we will help determine if the project requires a deputy inspector or not, depending on the scope of work that is to be performed. The city approval letters and the approved plans may also indicate or require for a deputy inspector.
The following projects require deputy inspectors in the City of Los Angeles:
The following projects require deputy inspectors in the City of Los Angeles:
- Temporary Shoring
- A,B,C Slot Cuts for Retaining Wall Construction
- Building Construction or performing a cut at a Property Line
- Driven Pile Placement
- Tie Back Retaining Walls
- Construction of slopes steeper that 2:1
- Jobs where the City of Los Angeles has requested a fulltime deputy inspector to be at the site during grading
5. How do I request an inspection?
Call our front office at (818) 549-9959 to schedule an inspection. Please do not request an inspection directly with our deputies to avoid errors, miscommunication, or mis-scheduling. You will need the Client Name, Job Site Address, or Byer Geotechnical’s Job Number (BG #). We will ask you for the inspection date, time, who it is requested by, and the phone number to reach regarding the inspection. We will need to know the inspection type (Footings, Bottom, Subdrain, Compaction Test, Piles, Caissons, ect.) If there are any further specifications regarding the inspection please feel free to let our front office staff know.
6. How much do you charge for a Geology Report?
Cost varies for each project, depends on the size of project, location and scope of the work, cost estimate may be provided upon request free of charge. Our rates reflect our over 80 years of combined experience in geotechnical work, and extensive experience working with building departments.
Fees are estimates based on hourly rates charged for our professional staff.
Fees are estimates based on hourly rates charged for our professional staff.
Service Provided | Typical Fee Range |
1. Consultation Real Estate Purchase | $600-2,000 |
2. Exploration, drilling, sampling, testing, report preparation for flatland projects – no liquefaction For liquefaction – Add |
$3,000-5,000 $1,500-2,000 |
3. Exploration, drilling, mapping, logging, and report for hillside projects | $3,500-8,000 |
4. Construction related inspections are hourly. Estimates are provided based on the scope of work and estimated duration. |
7. What is the number to Building and Safety and departments for various city and county agencies?
City of Los Angeles
Building and Safety
(213) 482-0480
Building and Safety
(213) 482-0480
City of Pasadena
Building and Safety
(626) 744-4200
Building and Safety
(626) 744-4200
City of Glendale
Building and Safety
(818) 548-3200
Building and Safety
(818) 548-3200
City of Beverly Hills
Building and Safety
(310) 285-1141
Building and Safety
(310) 285-1141
City of Santa Monica
Building and Safety
(310) 458-8355
Building and Safety
(310) 458-8355
Los Angeles County
Building and Safety
(626) 458-3173
Building and Safety
(626) 458-3173
Ventura County
Building and Safety
(805) 582-8064
Building and Safety
(805) 582-8064
Orange County
Building and Safety
(714) 671-4406
Building and Safety
(714) 671-4406